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Training Log Archive: Wally80

In the 1 days ending Feb 14, 2009:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Road Ride1 4:07:44 66.29(16.1/h) 106.68(25.8/h) 1243
  Flat Paddle1 2:08:08 13.5(9:29) 21.73(5:54)
  Core Strength1 30:00
  Total1 6:45:52 79.79 128.41 1243

» now

Saturday Feb 14, 2009 #

Road Ride long (long) 4:07:44 [3] 106.68 km (25.8 kph) +1243m
ahr:144 max:173 shoes: Dodgy Roadie

Ride with Dalto and MTBJen, from Mt Nasura to Gosnells, up to meet Jen who was fashionably late though I did get to hear about how it takes Dalto 30mins to do his 1/2 hour paddle.

Jen was fresh and warmed up so we took off up Greenmount with stiff legs already, tried to surge away at the 3/4 mark but didn't have it in me so I went back to my normal plod. Ran the police radar in the roadworks, got away without a ticket unsuprisingly.

Out to mundaring and then the weir, after the weir hill it turned into a nice cruisy ride with manageable hills until the downhill back to gosnells, I can't imagine why people would want to get back there so fast but the memory of the gusty trip down the scarp will probably wake me up in the middle of the night. I had to feel MTBJens rims when she got down to check if they were glowing. not that bad.

Back to Case de Dalto for homecooked muffins and a bludge, then a final slog back to the in laws. going back up the scarp after pushing into the wind was good for the mental toughness..... and bad for everything else. I was standing in granny gear and hurting for way longer than a sane person should be.

Glutes really sore and tired today, hammies not much better but my back wasn't giving me the grief of earlier in the week.

Flat Paddle long (Long) 2:08:08 [3] 21.73 km (5:54 / km)
ahr:130 max:154 shoes: Epic V10

Skipped watching Tooms shenanigans to go for a paddle, Took me a while to work up the enthusiasm but I eventually launched from the front of Maylands yacht club, did a loop out in front of Rach's hospital to give her a wave then headed up the river.

Lots of people out today to watch and take my mind of the slog. went through the canals on the way up the river, never knew they were there before. After the Garret road bridge I hooked a tow behind a boat and sat at better than Danger pace up to sandy beach. Reluctantly hopped off the wash and paused for a gel before heading back.

Back was a lot tougher but I did manage to pass a police cruiser near the Garret road bridge again to make up for missing out on the radar earlier. At the 17km mark I started to really struggle and pushed through to 18km then stopped for a caffeine Gu. that perked me up a bit and I managed to ride the wash of the police boat as it came back past. he took off once we hit the ski section and I bludged the rest of the way back.

Pretty knackered afterwards, right tricep has been sore since wednesday but didn't trouble me too much, some minor wrist twinges and my hands have gone soft so a couple of blisters.

Core Strength 30:00 [1]
shoes: bare feet

Core strength on Rach's hospital room floor. Rather hard and uncomfortable.

2 x 12 reps and 2 x 15s holds of workout 2. probably took me over an hour to complete but only 30 mins of exercise and 30mins of winging about how tired and sore I was. Didn't get much sympathy from the girl on the morphine drip.

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