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Discussion: Mills Rd

in: Wally80; Wally80 > 2009-02-14

Feb 14, 2009 3:17 PM # 
I grew up on the south side of Roleystone, we tested (and broke) our beat-up old shitheap cars on Chevin and Mills.

In the late 90s Mills was 1m narrower than it is now, surfaced in old lumpy bitumen which was fraying at the edges. We'd go down it (in 180Bs/Corollas/Toranas) at 120-130kph - $#*& knows what we would have done if we'd had to stop suddenly. Now it's a lovely wide smooth road, but we're all too old and had too many accidents to pull that shit again. :)

One of my biggest scares was braking to turn from Canning Mills into Mills to go down the hill...and not stopping. The brake lines on my clapped out '79 Corolla burst at the top of the highest hill in Roley. o_O

Chester hit the truck safety ramp sign once, after completely missing the corner.

Ahh, to be young and stupid again.
Feb 15, 2009 3:36 AM # 
Back in the day, mid-90s, Curryman and I used to occasionally ride out that way, up the hill, and then cut through Roleystone to Canning Dam. One particular ascent Curryman dropped to <10kph, stopped and slumped forward over his bars. After a few long seconds he go going again and then coming around the corner and down the hill were Amy and Beth Thomson in their hatchback. A very happy Curryman was glad to be riding not stopped!

I remember the lumpy bitumen on the descent on the way home - not nearly as scary as the kangaroos that jumped out at the bottom of the descent heading SE down Urch St????. That one was hotmix and near-on 80kph from memory.

Chester's best effort I saw was when he neatly parked it across the gravel road out of Evedon Ridge just before I came sedately around the corner and missed him by miles. New undies for Fletch in his passenger seat that day... :-)
Feb 15, 2009 10:21 AM # 
What is it with you coming around corners sedately? Didn't you come pottering around a corner on Julimar Rd - back when it was gravel - just after MH/Fletch/Will(?) had parked their car to admire an earthbank?
Feb 15, 2009 11:00 AM # 
Not sure about that one... although I do remember losing it in Dad's Sigma on the gravel road there! I do remember following Gareth in rather swiftly once to Spice Brook. And watching Adrian in his Cordia oversteer a fight hand bend on the same road to north julimar another time and end up going back end first into the forest. Somehow completely unscathed he and the car simple restarted the car and drove forward back onto the track and we continued at a lesser velocity.
Feb 15, 2009 10:51 PM # 
Is a fight hand bend one that is covered in parrotbush?
Feb 15, 2009 11:08 PM # 
I think it is the bend just after the one that Tooms sedately comes round and meets a trail biker on.
Feb 16, 2009 6:14 AM # 
No, tRicky is uncannily accurate - Daysie did flatten some of the nasty stuff!
Feb 16, 2009 8:18 AM # 
Wally - I had one of those bends on the way into Malmalling, at a perfect left-right combo on Goods Rd. Came around the first one sideways only to come face to face with a trailbiker coming the other way with eyes wider than his helmet. Tucked the rear back into line, passed the biker and swung it the other way just in time for the second bend.

Poetry in motion for me, brown undies for him.
Feb 17, 2009 2:41 AM # 
Can anyone remember when the Palmers were out coaching in WA. They were driving into Keaney College a little bit fast for the hairpin bend on a surface they werent familiar with. I clearly remember the car in front doing a full 180 and facing us as we nearly parked ourselves on their bonnet!
Feb 17, 2009 3:00 AM # 
I've been to Keaney College. It's the fall back location for 6 hour rogaines. We've now had three there - three out of eleven in fact. Ask Wil to tell you all about the six foot high fences they've just erected and how much fun it is mapping them all, particularly when they put some up in the week prior to an event.
Feb 17, 2009 6:32 AM # 
Boltboi, whatabout that 4WD convoy that was practising their 3-point turns (JERKS!) on Flynn Road when you were driving me out one day... over the crest we came... convoy parked on the right facing us, smaller convoy on the left facing away from us... and one guy across the road about to reverse across our path! Luckily your wheels were all on the ground and your car was narrow.

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