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Training Log Archive: Wally80

In the 1 days ending Feb 11, 2009:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Ocean Paddle1 1:17:52 4.85(16:03) 7.81(9:58)
  Core Strength1 40:00
  Run1 34:06 3.37(10:06) 5.43(6:17)
  Total1 2:31:58 8.23 13.24

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Wednesday Feb 11, 2009 #

Ocean Paddle (surf club) 1:17:52 [4] 7.81 km (9:58 / km)
ahr:124 shoes: V10 Sport

A beautiful day for training on the ocean, gentl breeze big turnout by the clubbies. I paddled Rach's boat to get my stars aligned for the upcoming boat shuffles.

3 x 30, 40, 30 efforts then starts followed by race practice. Had to back off in the race practice as the surf ski bump and shove is not healthy for a molokai.

Arms are tired since I struggled with leg drive, adjusted the foot length towards the end and it got better.

Run (/walk) 34:06 [2] 5.43 km (6:17 / km)
ahr:129 shoes: Brooks Trance

Another lap around the inlet, legs were not as fresh today but it still wasn't hard running. Knee was slightly more niggly than Monday but still pretty good.

Towards the end of my second interval I was gaining on a little old lady jogger that I didn't want to overtake since I knew she would re-overtake me in my walk bit. Still, I did go past her and yep, it hurt watching her return the favour 2 mins later. Getting overtaken by little old ladies is what turns injuries from physical to mental.

Core Strength 40:00 [1]
shoes: bare feet

2 x 15 reps and 3 x 30s holds of workout 1.

Much tougher today after paddling and running and I had to take a break between the crossovers and reverse curls just to make sure I did the session properly.

A couple of twinges from the lower back as I moved around, mainly on the right side.

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