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Training Log Archive: BigWillyStyle

In the 7 days ending Dec 3, 2023:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering2 1:57:58 12.94(9:07) 20.82(5:40) 35348c
  Running2 18:54 1.89(10:01) 3.04(6:14) 8
  Total2 2:16:52 14.82(9:14) 23.86(5:44) 36148c

» now

Sunday Dec 3, 2023 #

8 AM

Running 7:39 intensity: (4 @2) + (7:35 @3) 0.89 km (8:34 / km) +6m 8:17 / km
ahr:131 max:143

Orienteering race 1:41:31 intensity: (23 @1) + (11 @2) + (23:23 @3) + (1:12:13 @4) + (5:21 @5) *** 17.31 km (5:52 / km) +325m 5:22 / km
ahr:155 max:180 28c


Possum Trot! The race went remarkably smoothly and without notable event, which is certainly not to say that it was boring or unenjoyable. The terrain was runnable and pleasant. Nav was not difficult, but it's also always fun to feel efficient and not make mistakes. At the same time, I had hoped for a few more controls in the more technical rocky hillsides e.g. around 13-14 and 27-28. I briefly considered going to all the controls but did end up skipping 11 and 25.

Saturday Dec 2, 2023 #

1 PM

Running warm up/down 11:15 intensity: (36 @1) + (53 @2) + (9:46 @3) 1.33 mi (8:27 / mi) +2m 8:25 / mi
ahr:127 max:145

Orienteering race 16:27 intensity: (18 @1) + (30 @2) + (15:27 @3) + (12 @4) ** 3.51 km (4:41 / km) +28m 4:30 / km
ahr:130 max:154 20c

Pre-Possum sprint at KU, rock chalk. A nice map and course, nothing overly tricky; I took it a little easy, perhaps 90% or so, not wanting to shock my legs too badly. Temp was spicy, something close to freezing. Coming from PST I woke up at 10am, and thus missed hotel breakfast and was obliged to stop at Waffle House, which was quite an experience. After the race Mary Jones invited me to her and Mike's house for dinner along with the Carrs and Tom H, which was all really nice. I also stopped for lunch at Free State Brewing on a rec from Patrick.

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