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Training Log Archive: blairtrewin

In the 1 days ending Jul 14, 2018:

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Saturday Jul 14, 2018 #

(rest day)

Didn't feel too bad today but decided to give it a day to settle down (plus tomorrow morning looks appealing as a training prospect). Spent the day going across Denmark in preparation for crossing to Norway tomorrow - a process which involved a reasonable amount of driving and two ferry rides (one small, one longer). Spent most of the longer crossing screen-surfing between online coverage of the JWOC relay, the AFL and the NRL.

I think Jenny was quite pleased to see a 1:100000 topographic atlas of Denmark on special at an Arhus bookshop (and I wasn't exactly upset either).

Ended the day at Hirtshals, on the northwest coast - sand dune country. Also wide sandy beach country, and what must be one of the few beaches in Europe which can be legally driven on (although based on what we saw, it demonstrated evidence of the limited experience many Europeans have of off-road driving, including one German vehicle which was comprehensively bogged).

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