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Discussion: See you Sunday

in: matzah ball; matzah ball > 2013-06-03

Jun 4, 2013 2:44 AM # 
Good luck with the 10 miler, I can try to pace you for the 5 k, but I might be hurting....still plan to go Orienteering after, you are welcome to come along, or just stay and celebrate at the Barn.
Jun 4, 2013 11:38 AM # 
See you at the Tap House Grille in Highwood. I'll be riding up from Chicago, and I plan to ride 25-miles back. We can either ride the North Branch bike trail, or just ride Sheridan Road. Either way there is some riding in traffic. Sorry. Soupbone and Springroll can join us if they want.

Right now the weather forecast is for high of 72 on Sunday, with a chance of showers. So if necessary we can always jump on the Metra with our bikes anywhere along our southbound route, and get off at Clybourne which is a mile from my house.
Jun 4, 2013 12:33 PM # 
You Are Welcome To eat At the Barn Before The O Meet
Lots Of Food And Beer Or Muscle Milk : )
Jun 4, 2013 2:00 PM # 
matzah ball:
Wonderful dilemnas, eh? Picnics, races, O meets, golk - all with friends. I'll not have anything left for O sprints that for sure. So probably will just stay and enjoy the party, maybe nap?:) Or help cleanup? Then ride over to meet Chi about 4pm, to work on my golk article for SI.

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