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Discussion: naughty snacks

in: Becks; Becks > 2020-04-15

Apr 17, 2020 3:43 PM # 
I know what you mean about the naughty snacks. That's the biggest problem for me when working from home. I also ran out of snickersnacks sometime last week (or was it last month?), but instead of just stopping the snacks I've switched to snacking on all sorts of weird things. Need to do some baking so I can have proper snacks again.

I've started conserving certain ingredients for special things, like saving the last cup of milk for scratch biscuits on the weekend. Nice thing about that is sour milk makes them taste better. Unfortunately I'm doing the same with eggs, although a neighbor heard I was short and left a dozen brown eggs from her friend's farm on my doorstep this week.

In the springtime when I run past their house there's a sinister red glow coming from one of the windows. We all naturally assumed they were worshiping satan, but they're just raising chicks in a spare bedroom. "Show me a home where the buffalo roam, and I'll show you a dirty house!" :)
Apr 18, 2020 5:52 PM # 
I can't eat dairy right now and don't have much left in the way of dairy substitutes, so no baking here. Rob is making the famous no knead bread recipe every week, so we're good for bread! But things like chips and sugary snacks were run out of a long time ago - getting some delivered by Thrive Market but they are taking a long time to deliver - which is fine!!

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