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Training Log Archive: fletch

In the 1 days ending May 13, 2008:

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Tuesday May 13, 2008 #


Really getting frustrated now. Bike injuries are healing fine and don't really stop me from doing anything, but I have to stop living in denial about other problems.I have had hints of patella tendinitis since a few weeks before the rogaine, but it was very minor and not changing... mostly noticed it playing basketball at school.
Well, last week it began to hurt a bit more. Felt it a bit whilst running the downhills in last weeks interval session. It seems that Saturday's race has done some more significant damage. Quite sore when walking. Set my alarm for an early morning run this morning but gave up after getting out of bed. Hasn't improved so far this morning. Looks like giving the doc another visit. It's sore right at the base of my patella which is different to where the pain has normally been with this sort of thing (usually at the tibial tuberosity).
So... back to needing to see more than one medico to get myself sorted out. Grrrr.
Will have to test it out on the bike tomorrow. If that goes pear-shaped I may have to re-invent myself as a paddler :-)

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