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Training Log Archive: jtorranc

In the 7 days ending Sep 3, 2006:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Cycling7 7:55:00
  Orienteering2 2:26:39 4.41 7.1 217
  Deep Water Running2 55:00
  Core exercises2 16:00
  Form exercises1 16:00
  Swimming2 10:36
  Total7 11:59:15 4.41 7.1 217

» now

Sunday Sep 3, 2006 #

Event: QOC: Wheaton

Cycling 40:00 [4]

Dragged myself out the door late enough that I had to push to be only acceptably late for my appointed meeting with Nadim at Wheaton to help him hang controls.

Orienteering race 56:39 [4] 7.1 km (7:59 / km) +217m 6:55 / km

QOC Wheaton Red course - some minor difficulties on final attacks on small and/or subtle features in thick vegetation that Nadim had used. Otherwise okay technically but so-so physically. Though at least I have plenty of excuses to mine from much exercise and less sleep than usual earlier in the weekend. Plus the vegetation in general was thick enough to slow me down substantially.

Cycling 42:00 [2]

Returning home at a much lower effort level but downhill.

Saturday Sep 2, 2006 #


Kentlands/Lakelands 5K? No, forced to reschedule pre-VQ training clinic to this date.

Orienteering 1:30:00 [2]

Hanging and picking up the controls for my clinic. Discounted the time somewhat to account for standing still while I hung the controls.

Cycling 55:00 [3]

Biking out to Fountainhead before the clinic.

Cycling 18:00 [4]

Booking it uphill to Silver Spring to see "Once Upon a Time in China" at the AFI.

Cycling 18:00 [3]

Returning downhill.

Form exercises 16:00 [4]

Silly walks only while waiting for the last of my clinic participants to emerge from the woods.

Friday Sep 1, 2006 #

Cycling 35:00 [3]

Bike to work by way of swimming pool.

Swimming 10:00 [3]

Mostly flutterkicking.

Deep Water Running 35:00 [4]

One continuous block of running time after the swimming warmup.

Cycling 30:00 [2]

Carefully picking my way through all the debris Ernesto dropped on the roads and sidewalks.

Thursday Aug 31, 2006 #

Cycling 1:22:00 [3]

Commute plus dropping by PCRM to volunteer then grocery shopping in Takoma Park.

Wednesday Aug 30, 2006 #

Cycling 59:00 [3]

Commute in and back. Would have done some further aerobic exercise in the evening but it seemed like time to get the courses for my clnic on Saturday drawn up in OCAD.

Core exercises 8:00 [4]

Some core exercises while watching US Open action, interrupted by a half hour conversation with Dan for which my abdominals were appropriately grateful even if the relief was temporary.

Tuesday Aug 29, 2006 #

Cycling 1:08:00 [2]

To work and home by way of the pool.

Swimming 36 [3]

Various strokes to begin then much flutterkicking with and without fins.

Deep Water Running 20:00 [4]

Bookended by the swimming. After holding up fine (aided by ibuprofen) through the COC Festival, my knees started feeling worse after playing with my nieces on Sunday so it's back to the pool for much of my training for a little while.

Monday Aug 28, 2006 #


Totally inadequate detail in entries after the 22nd and who knows if I'll make the time to flesh them out much? C'est la vie. Sorry to anyone foolish enough to look here for insight.

Cycling 28:00 [2]

Cycling home from work.

Core exercises 8:00 [4]

Some abdominal, etc. exercises while watching Prison Break.

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