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Training Log Archive: Swampfox

In the 1 days ending Oct 17, 2016:

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Monday Oct 17, 2016 #


There was a brief patter of something outside in the morning, and it turned out to be not hail, sleet, or puppy dog feet, but rain--just enough to dampen the streets.

However, biking later on revealed that what had been rain in town had been snow higher up, and the mountains to the west were very white with fresh snow all the way down to the level of the valley. The Laramie Range was in shadow, so it was hard to be sure, but it didn't look like there was any snow at all on that side.

That proved to be wrong, as I saw first hand while I was running at Happy Jack. About 1 1/2" of new snow was scattered around.

Big wind all day long, with almost no sun in town or east of town, so there was a pleasant amount of chill, enough to banish any thoughts of sweltering, at least for a few hours. I was more surprised than not to not detect any trees that had obviously been blown down during the day, but the fresh snow made it harder to discern the tell-tale scattering of broken branches that always accompanies a fall.

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