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Training Log Archive: blairtrewin

In the 1 days ending Jan 11:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Pool running1 45:00 0.43(1:43:27) 0.7(1:04:17)
  Run1 31:00 3.23(9:36) 5.2(5:58)
  Total2 1:16:00 3.67(20:44) 5.9(12:53)

» now

Thursday Jan 11 #

8 AM

Pool running 45:00 [3] 0.7 km (1:04:17 / km)

It being one of those mornings when I was still asleep at 7 despite having got out of bed at 5.45, I switched to plan B (hopefully plan A will work tomorrow) and ended up in the water a bit later. By this time I was sort of awake and it didn't work out too badly, although didn't seem to be working quite as hard as I sometimes do here.

I came across a piece in the Economist (presumably paywalled) about the history of statistics collection in Britain, which started out "By the start of the 20th century statisticians had mapped where some of the drunkest people in Britain were (Swansea, take a bow) as well as the most criminal (ditto). They had chronicled the sanitary state of London’s West End (filthy) and its reading habits (also, at times, filthy). ". I can't speak for the last three, but did collect a certain amount of evidence back in July that the first, at least, has not changed much in the last 123 years.
1 PM

Run 31:00 [3] 5.2 km (5:58 / km)

Headed out at lunchtime for the first time in a few weeks, in conditions somewhat more appealing than those on offer in Sydney (having spent some of the morning dealing with the complications of assessing whether it really was the highest dewpoint on record there). Covered some new ground (in a running sense), mostly in the block west of Queen Victoria Market - I save runs in the core of the CBD for days when I'm feeling sufficiently bad that I expect to appreciate having to stop every couple of minutes (expect such a run to feature on my first day back from Poland, if I make it out at all). Felt pretty reasonable for a lunchtime run, including the moderately solid climb into North Melbourne.

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