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Discussion: Stage Two CP #11 (#113)

in: Sprint the Golden Gate (Dec 6–8, 2013 - San Francisco, CA, US)

Dec 10, 2013 8:05 PM # 
This one was taken by an irate indigent and thrown into the woods halfway through Stage One. This affected a small number of people, most importantly Backstreet Boy (who took it upon himself to locate the flag and deal with the source of the problem) and Michael Laraia (who did punch this one but then got chased by the problem out of the next CP; the next CP remained in the correct place throughout the race). We didn't do anything special about Rex's time, since he qualified for the upper bracket anyway with almost two minutes lost. We added Michael into the middle bracket, for which he would have qualified, but did not displace any other qualifiers or give Michael an official result (so the middle bracket ended up with 13 people instead of 12).

The rest of the participants faced either no issues (the unit was found by Rex and replaced right after he went back there after the finish), or a bag without a punch. Specifically, no Middle runners we know of were affected by the problem. For the rest of the race, Dennis Wilkinson kept the problem in check (I wish we had some warm alcoholic beverages, then Dennis's job would perhaps have been much easier).

Heard after the race...

"Were you affected by the homeless guy at #113?"

"No. I saw him, he looked happy."

"Happy? that's not possible. What did he look like?"

"White hair."

That was Dennis.
Dec 11, 2013 2:12 AM # 
A posse consisting of Rex, Michael, Matej and I were looking around the bushes for the e-unit - surprisingly we happened to find it on the ground very close to the CP. The guy had been yelling and swearing at me and at orienteerers in general when I went through on the course, so I had half-expected the unit to be long gone, but apparently he didn't find it very interesting.
Dec 13, 2013 7:45 PM # 
Backstreet Boy:
Yes, I had help, Vladimir, we combed the area.

If he had known the value of the unit perhaps the guy would have kept it? $100 can get you some stuff.
Dec 14, 2013 3:32 AM # 
Difficult to fence, though. Some things cost a lot, but aren't worth a lot

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