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Discussion: Solid...

in: Wildsky; Wildsky > 2009-11-11

Nov 11, 2009 6:43 PM # 
Solid and impressive showing, Glenn. Pulling together a new team and ripping through the course like you did was awesome to see (and chase!). Sucks that it had to end the way it did. Heal up quick!
Nov 11, 2009 9:56 PM # 
What Glenn did not tell anyone is that black helicoptors from Area51 whisked him away to a secret hospital in nevada. The paramedics got one look at the mysterious black oil leaking from Glenn's finger and knew they were dealing with another alien-human hybrid.
Nov 11, 2009 9:56 PM # 
The truth is out there. LOL
Nov 11, 2009 11:42 PM # 
Nov 14, 2009 2:48 AM # 
Broken Pinkies:
Glenn, you're so tough that I bet if they had an aid station nearby, you would have stitched it up and still put some hurt on the other teams! :-) You didn't say if you found Leslie's helmet or not..... (I'm assuming you did).
Nov 14, 2009 8:26 AM # 
was roger racing? when i heard you were injured that was my first question, naturally. he must still be chagrined he could not finish you off the first time! even if he wasn't racing, i think we need a bullet-proof alibi for Herr Michel.
Nov 14, 2009 9:12 PM # 
the helmut was lost in a 300-400m bushwack. Leslie and I went back and looked for over and hour. It was so thick We kept losing the trail. When we walked back into the TA I yelled that I would offer $100 to anybody who could find it (it had $750 ayup lights on it). The RD son's eyes lighted up and he said he was going to find it. Word was that he spent hours but finally found it. When he did, his first comment was that he couldn't believe we went there there. Kents team apparently tried the bush wack and then went 3-4 miles around. While we were in there searching, we could here Mari yelling at her team to tuck and roll through it. If you race with me you better be prepared to go through the thick shit.

After Charlie snapped my finger back, i told the team that I did want to quit but I also didn't want to loose my finger. They graciously didn't give me the choice.

stick and stones but dammed if they haven't killed me yet.
Nov 17, 2009 4:14 PM # 
Cali Cowboy:
Glenn, I'll follow you through thick shit any time. It was a blast racing with you.
Nov 20, 2009 6:32 AM # 

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