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Training Log Archive: rcro

In the 7 days ending Jul 18, 2021:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running - off road2 2:28:02 16.9(8:46) 27.2(5:27) 690
  Running5 2:11:22 17.49(7:31) 28.15(4:40) 375
  S&C3 26:00
  Total10 5:05:24 34.39 55.35 1065
averages - sleep:5.2

» now

Sunday Jul 18, 2021 #

11 AM

Running - off road (Capler Hill) 56:14 [5] 10.67 km (5:16 / km) +230m 4:45 / km
slept:5.0 shoes: Nike Pegasus 36

Capler Hill race from Fownhope. A mere “six” miles but just a tad warm (30C by end).

I’d signed up to start in the second wave of 10 and was resigned to falling off the back almost straight away - but was confident of catching a few up as they tailed off (and got 3 of them in the last km). Was the only person carrying water from the start. Not giving it full effort early on - and think that helped as my 100% at the end was better than other people’s.

Undulating early part - some sharp ups and rough (dry cracked ground) downs, with stiles about every 100m and my style technique not as quick as the others - and it was knackering. Some fields had been cut for hay and they were HOT, and the grass was adding to resistance. Also not helping my breathing - it didn’t sound good so I dropped the effort more on the last couple of fields up and then walked the steep bit to the top as overheating.

Long gradual down was quite nice, steeper down to river - then a slog back. Early part in the shade, before a hill and steep down, then back to hot crop fields and styles the rest of the way; some VERY long straights that took literally forever to get to the end of and quite a mental struggle. At least there were people in front of me, and they were getting bigger.

At around 8.5k, the hills behind Fownhope still weren’t in sight so correctly guessed the 6 mile race was actually 6.7, just hoped beyond hope it wasn’t. Eventually the finish came into view a k away, at the top of a gratuitous 30m climb that could have been easily avoided - the up being there to slow down and spread out runners for the timing system. Of course I ran up it, and then immediately went to the nearest bit of shade I could find to die.

Truly horrific conditions - on a par with CWR 2019 but being a shorter flatter race couldn’t slow the pace down enough to compensate.

Staying inside for the rest of the day to avoid too much sun, but it’s still very hot.

Saturday Jul 17, 2021 #

9 AM

Running 26:04 [3] 5.48 km (4:45 / km) +15m 4:42 / km
shoes: Nike Pegasus 36

Earlyish run today as spending the whole day doing junior athletics on the track. Parked at Quedgeley asda to stock up on fluids so did a slow one around Kingsway, which seems nearly finished now. Mostly traffic free and pleased for shade by the railway as it was already very warm.

Much warmer on the track though - c.30C so glad of the extra fluids and sun cream. Got the gossip on the Diamond League balls up so know not to put my foot in it on Wednesday - but it may be hard when the races are all 3000m or longer.

Think I’ll treat tomorrow’s race more as a run as don’t want to overdo it with the heat.

Learned that sharpie pens are sharp, and now have a hole in my finger. Some things can’t be done safely with sun cream applied, removing pen lids for one.

Friday Jul 16, 2021 #

Running 24:36 [3] 5.12 km (4:48 / km) +80m 4:27 / km
slept:5.0 shoes: Nike Pegasus 36

Really didn’t want to do this one as feeling exhausted from the pollen allergy, heat and vaccine. Stayed indoors until almost 7 to give a chance for it to cool down - and initially after stepping out the door I thought it might have…

Fairly slow start and wanted to keep it that way but looks like pace crept up a bit as I just wanted it to be over. Bashed my dead arm twice on posts.

Really struggled to cool down after. Given the weather forecast for the weekend had an emergency haircut and hope that helps a bit.

Thursday Jul 15, 2021 #

12 PM

Running 24:05 [3] 5.16 km (4:40 / km) +90m 4:18 / km
slept:6.0 shoes: Nike Pegasus 36

Yesterday tired me out a lot so found this more of a struggle. Felt very hot again too.

Managed 90 minutes walking post vaccine before heat, sun and pollen got too much and spent the rest of the evening sat inside in the shade trying to recover.

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021 #

12 PM

S&C 5:00 [3]

6 PM

Running - off road 1:31:48 [3] 16.53 km (5:33 / km) +460m 4:53 / km
slept:5.0 shoes: Nike Pegasus 36

Much more confident that my ailments are just hayfever today so decided safe to venture out. With MonRoss for a social run up Little Doward and across to Symonds Yat.

Very hot evening and some hill climbs that felt pretty tough when nose and eyes streaming. Jack and Mark out front and leaving me behind on the steeper hills. Quite glad to take a shorter flatter route back around Doward at the end, just wish it was flatter as pretty tired from it.

Good to be out chatting though.

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021 #

5 PM

S&C 15:00 [3]

6 PM

Running 31:18 [3] 6.79 km (4:37 / km) +115m 4:15 / km
slept:5.0 shoes: Nike Pegasus 36

Still really suffering from pollen, but as hay fever symptoms are near enough identical to delta covid - generally keeping out of people's way because they might think I'm contagious. It's hard to avoid grass and gardens from here though so suffering more as it went on.

Started out moving very well, then the heat/humidity got to me and felt pretty hard. Not going for a hard run so tried to slow it down on the ups, and once at the top just came back by a fairly direct route. Legs feeling heavy by the end too - although wasn't really putting a lot of effort in. Yesterday's run felt a lot easier in the rain.

Monday Jul 12, 2021 #

12 PM

S&C 6:00 [3]

5 PM

Running 25:19 [3] 5.6 km (4:31 / km) +75m 4:14 / km
slept:5.0 shoes: Nike Pegasus 36

Still suffering from pollen, and the council has been out cutting the grass today along Risca Road so kept things nice and short so I could get inside again. Rain was refreshing, but did feel like it warmed up half way in.

Spent rest of the evening doing athletics paperwork. I'm holding back on the next license application for now but there's quite a lot to do to upgrade and looks like I'll be wanting to submit at the end of the month.

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