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Training Log Archive: tinytoes

In the 7 days ending Jul 21, 2018:

activity # timemileskm+m
  gym class2 2:00:00
  Event2 1:06:00
  walking1 48:00 3.11(15:27) 5.0(9:36)
  Park Run1 42:24 3.11(13:39) 5.0(8:29)
  Total6 4:36:24 6.21 10.0

» now

Saturday Jul 21, 2018 #

8 AM

Park Run (Callaghan mix) 42:24 [3] 5.0 km (8:29 / km)
shoes: grey/white

Tossed up which parkrun to go to; then tossed up whether I'd go to parkrun; then tossed up what clothes I'd wear then got up. Callaghan was cold but I thought it would be sheltered which it was mostly.
Decided to walk, then "run" crept into my head and so I did occasionally, mostly downhill.
S-DMW - 13:18
DMW-C - 8:01
C-DMW - 6:47
DMW-F 14:17
Nice chat afterwards with Homa, and did some post Shorts event debrief with Bridget. I have my first offer of course planner for Newcastle Shorts Weekend 2019.

Friday Jul 20, 2018 #

9 AM

gym class (Body Sculpt) 1:00:00 [3]
shoes: white puma

Class taken by Shae "Chook" whose reputation precedes her. She did burpees for an hour non-stop to fund raise for charity. So I wasn't surprised by the number of burpees we faced. Shae certainly kept us moving and counting, and timing and doing burpees. Good solid session without being spectacular or showy.

Tuesday Jul 17, 2018 #

8 AM

walking 48:00 [3] 5.0 km (9:36 / km)
shoes: grey/white

Back from dropping car for service - 45 000 of which we have completed approx 23 700. Nice walk back - nothing exciting to see though.

Monday Jul 16, 2018 #

9 AM

gym class (Cross Trainer) 1:00:00 [4]
shoes: white puma

Feet not feeling great after the weekend's activities. I'm not sure the orthotics are quite right either. 30 min cardio to ward off the freezing conditions then 25 minute strength. Even the shortest run was a bit of a challenge - but the effort over the weekend was all worth it. Legs absolutely cactus.

Sunday Jul 15, 2018 #

11 AM

Event (New Shorts - Callaghan 1) 35:00 [4]
shoes: adidas purple

Opening all 13 locks for the interconnecting fences at 8 in the morning and frost still very much in evidence.put severe stress on my fingers. Fortunately the locks didn't freeze - so main task for the day achieved. PHEW. Setting up Rego and greeting arrivals, liaising with the lovely P&C and principal and then-- gotta go to start. Felt a little more comfortable on this map but it was the one with the "hill" and to get the distance I knew we were going to see various parts of it from both top and bottom.
Great course set by Maria O with winning times at the higher limit advertised. She certainly stretched us both mentally and physically. I thought I might feel better as it was first run of day but S-1 was a struggle. I got into a better rhythm after that and felt happier. The terrain of complex campus, simple campus and bushland plus fields gave lots of scope to mess with our minds. Gates can be conveniently placed and sometimes not! No real navigation problems. Just needed to stay focussed.
Race 3 down - and still the punters are happy!
1 PM

Event (New Shorts - Callaghan 2) 31:00 [4]
shoes: grey/white

Changed shoes for last run of weekend. Partook of P&C vege burger + cake + coffee for early lunch. Don't usually do this but hoped I wouldn't suffer later. Start was beside the Bini Shell - where in 1977 I sat with my Yr9 class and watched it rise in all its wonder! A sad sight now.
But to the course. First time setter Bridget W did a splendid job. I knew I picked all the correct personnel for their respective jobs in the weekend's events. Arthur, their controller did a massive job seamlessly and with good cheer. They all worked really well together and no one was a domineering personality.
Maria had warned me that Bridget and she had totally different styles and so it was - fantastic. The last of the races did bring some people undone - both physically and mentally. I did start to drift in thought process about 2/3 of the way around the course but obviously the morning's antics served me well. But oh my legs. Whose silly idea was it to have this format? (OK mine).
As I came down the hill for the last time I did look at the arena and surrounds and took just a little speck of time to say - Yep - I "did" this - I am proud of this.
Wrap up : 4 events in short style - a mix of Middle distance and Sprint, in 2 days makes it worthwhile to travel; having the last day with both races on same site affords a great social atmosphere; P&C style catering is great (we don't have to allocate or worry, they get profits), best 3 of 4 races to count, having a Duo format (2 races to count) allows course planners to still be viable in the weekend. Fun elements - names - as it was the Shorts then the categories were Boardies, Boxers and Briefs which also simplified map printing and the wonderful weather.
But the most important factors were the people involved: having a well organised coordinator, great tech crew, people asking to be involved, a mix of course planners and wise Controllers, mappers who pushed the limits of their capacities, schools who were very obliging and a club that didn't bat an eyelid when i said "We've had an idea......."

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