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Training Log: tdgood

In the last 7 days:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering2 1:27:20 8.03(10:53) 12.92(6:45)51 /54c94%
  Run2 1:02:23 6.04(10:20) 9.72(6:25)
  Total4 2:29:43 14.07(10:38) 22.64(6:37)51 /54c94%

Thursday Jul 25 #

12 PM

Run (trail/grass) 21:05 [3] 2.04 mi (10:20 / mi)
ahr:129 max:150 shoes: New Balance 1540 2024

Hot and humid out. Went for a run on the trails behind the house again. Getting a feel for the woods. I was going to do two loops again but my back was hurting so I decided to just do one lap and call it quits.
I ran down one of the construction roads that wasn't in use to see what was down it. The road just ran down the stream and ended. Since they are doing stream remediation maybe they haven't started on the part I was on yet. I will have to check out the other roads.

Wednesday Jul 24 #


I was planning to run today but the pesticide man was coming today so I had to stay home. He generally sprays around the house and I had to make sure he didn't spray on certain of our gardens (vegetable and the flower one used by the gold finches).
he was supposed to be here between 10-2 which is my prime running time. He didn't get here to 1:30. That late I went ahead and had a light lunch and didn't do any exercising.

Tuesday Jul 23 #

Run (trail/grass) 41:18 [3] 4.0 mi (10:20 / mi)
ahr:141 max:157 shoes: New Balance 1540 2024

Now that my Annapolis event is over, time to start focusing on the next one, my annual Squirrel event. I decided to run the trails behind my house which I haven't been on since winter skiing. I haven't used that map in a number of years. I updated and expanded the map during covid and it looks to still be in good shape. The woods along the trails seem to be nice (on not too bad). Even the stilt grass isn't that thick/tall. There was an ATV recently using some of the vehicle tracks which made some trails more obvious.
Unfortunately there is some new construction going on. They are doing some stream remediation and several of the old trails now have mulch and heavy equipment going down them. I will have to check them out. With all the construction going on upstream there has been more erosion along the streams so maybe they are fixing it.
Most of the trails aren't used anymore so while they are noticeable they aren't maintained. There are trees down across them which makes running more difficult.

Dist Pace
0.57 11:07
1.00 9:33
0.58 10:57
1.00 10:05
0.48 10:52 (added a little loop to make it an even 4 miles).

Sunday Jul 21 #

8 AM

Orienteering (sprint) 49:10 [3] * 3.96 mi (12:25 / mi)
ahr:124 max:149 spiked:26/27c shoes: Asics Kayano 30 2023

Putting out streamers/flags for the summer Series sprint in Annapolis Maryland. I wasn't running hard and had to stop a few time when there were people walking by where i wanted to put a flag.

I messed up one control when I ran past the location where it was supposed to go. Ironically, it was at this point that some tourist asked if I knew what street we were on. They saw the map in my hand, and said "on never mind". I didn't know the street name but did point to the sign post that had it. I then had to turn around and run back the way I came. The rest was uneventful. It wasn't too hot but was very humid out.
2 PM

Orienteering (sprint) 38:10 [3] * 4.07 mi (9:23 / mi)
ahr:153 max:165 spiked:25/27c shoes: Asics Kayano 30 2023

After a nice lunch with the summer series crowd i decided it was better to pickup the controls now, instead of coming back later and paying for more parking tomorrow. This time I tried to run hard but it was tough having eaten lunch, and I was tired from this morning. I had the map but was largely doing it from memory. I screwed up twice. once when I was running to an original control location and not the one I finally selected. The second one was just bad timing. There were several slow moving tourist on the side walk so I ran into the street on the other side of the parked cars to run around them. Little did I realize I was also running by the alley I was supposed to turn down. I cut back to the sidewalk and by the time I realized I had missed the alley I was already at the next street junction. I ran around the block instead of doing a uturn. This is why my course is longer than this time then when I hung the controls.

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