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Training Log Archive: Edmund

In the 7 days ending Apr 7, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Empathy1 10:00
  Talking1 1
  Bounce Bounce Bounce1 1
  Total3 10:02

» now

Saturday Apr 6, 2013 #

11 AM


We went to a different beach today and it was great, it had graniterocks. I like graniterocks. I like water too but Mum made Dad and I come up away from the waves. Toh-by liked the rocks too. On the way home Mum and Dad drove down a track that wasn't a caroad, it was sandy and I was Concerned. After a while it was fun, the engine was very noisy in some of the sandy uphill bits!

We went around a corner near the top of one hill and there was a noisy trail bike coming up the other side - and it crashed into Dad's boocar. Dad's boocar was a bit broken. The man on the red trail bike was a bit sore. He had a sore leg and a sore hand and then Dad and another man put him in the back of the ute and we went to hosbital! We went past the WINDMILLS!

Mum's really happy now, I won't keep saying "Bangaroo crash into Mum's Graycar" any more, now I keep saying "Red trail bike crash into Dad's boocar."

Thursday Apr 4, 2013 #

6 PM

Empathy 10:00 [5]

Tonight Dad injured himself while bathing me and he didn't cope too well. So later when we were eating dinner I started stroking his arm and saying "its ok Daddy, make you feel better" and I think he really did.

Mum was funny though, she asked if I would stroke her arm too because she had had a long busy day at work or something. Silly Mum.
She wasn't taking the situation seriously at all so I scowled at her. "No!" I told her firmly. "You didn't break your nail, Mummy".

Mum laughed and laughed after that, I don't think she is very sympathetic sometimes and obviously doesn't need to feel better anyway. Poor Dad.

Wednesday Apr 3, 2013 #

9 AM

Bounce Bounce Bounce 1 [3]

I had a day with granny and grandad today at their house. It is GREAT spending time with grandad because he is the biggest softy in the world and lets me do absolutely anything I want and buys me new toys every time I visit. And their garden is made entirely of sand which is just brilliant. Oh and they have a huuuuge ship just off their beach. And we went into town and stood on the footbridge and watched trucks! Mum came to pick me up later and I took some real convincing. She thought I would be tired after my big exciting day but she always underestimates me, and actually I wasn't tired at all and lasted almost a minute in the car before I fell asleep.

Tuesday Apr 2, 2013 #

Talking 1 [3]

I am a great big boy now with no dummy so I have developed a great big attitude to match. I'm not letting anyone get away with anything any more, and I have learned some great words like "acktually" and "NO!" and "I NOT!" which are very handy.

For example, when mum says silly things like "what noise does a triceratops make? Do they say Grumgrumgrumgrum?" I can reply "NO Mum! It's NOT a hippo, Acktually".

Mum is so silly. She thinks I'm just going to submit to things like "Edmund, would you like some milk in your green cup?"
Ha. "i NOT! I want some MILK in my GREEN cup!"
Silly Mum.

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