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Training Log Archive: pauline

In the 7 days ending Jan 10, 2015:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Walk6 1:52:43 1.63 2.62
  Total6 1:52:43 1.63 2.62

» now

Saturday Jan 10, 2015 #

3 PM

Walk 35:43 [3] 1.63 mi (21:55 / mi)
ahr:129 max:145

Walk through Fry's Hill park, Spindleberry Park, & Gillian's Park, including trying out the new outdoor gym stations in Gillian's Park.

Virtue's supposed to be its own reward, but I was pleased to see first 1, then 2 Jays (does the magpie rhyme apply to them?), and then I discovered a set of outdoor gym stations in Gillian's Park & couldn't resist trying them.

I haven't investigated the Blackbird Leys Park stations yet, but Gillian's park has a cross trainer (which didn't work) and step up, lat pull down and shoulder press (the lat pull down was much easier than the shoulder press), leg press (surprisingly easy) and bench (which includes grips for tricep dips, as well as something to hook your legs round while doing sit ups), a chest press, and a spin bike and a recumbent bike (easier than the spin bike, which allows you to charge any device via a USB port).

You're supposed to do 10-20 reps on each of the resistance exercises & 3-10 minutes on each of the aerobic exercises, but I just tried each of them out, spending only c. 1:20 minutes at each of the 5 stations. Still, it was more than I thought I could do when I set out (when I wasn't feeling at all bright), so I didn't set myself back as much as I'd feared I had in November/December.

Friday Jan 9, 2015 #

1 PM

Walk 30:00 [2]

Walk to Waitrose & back to get lunch, having missed the trip to the pub due to my Swiss customer holding a last minute meeting from 12-13:30 GMT. Bother time differences.

Thursday Jan 8, 2015 #

1 PM

Walk 12:00 [2]

Feeling the cold more today; I was glad to stop, as that was enough.

Wednesday Jan 7, 2015 #

1 PM

Walk 11:00 [2]

Short walk again as it was cold & drizzling, but I needed to get out of the office.

Tuesday Jan 6, 2015 #

1 PM

Walk 11:00 [2]

Clearing my head again.

Monday Jan 5, 2015 #

1 PM

Walk 13:00 [1]

Lunchtime walk - needed to get away from software testing & get some fresh air & exercise to cheer me up. It worked.

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