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Training Log Archive: jsnyder

In the 7 days ending Apr 21:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running2 4:26:00 32.81(8:06) 52.8(5:02)
  Cycling4 3:34:11 21.02 33.83
  Hiking1 1:58:00
  Total5 9:58:11 53.83 86.63
  [1-5]4 6:30:11

» now

Sunday Apr 21 #

Running 1:16:00 [1] 6.41 mi (11:51 / mi)

First run post marathon but still feeling worked. Easiest of the fells trails had me breathing hard and walking up some hills. Pretty worried about sisters at this point. Saw a coyote in the woods.

Cycling 1:00:00 [0]

Family mtb around great brook. Some refusal to change to an easier gear going up hills and lots of hike a bike.

Saturday Apr 20 #

Cycling 1:11:00 [1] 11.79 mi (6:01 / mi)

CX bike to wright's tower and back. Still feeling tired out and blah from marathon.

Hiking 1:58:00 [0]

Decided to do the orange course at Hale as a family. Even from the start it was a bit of a slog. Managed to convince her to do the whole course but a couple of times we let graham go get the control in the woods while Andy and I kept walking down the trail. Not sure about my big birthday plan to hike a mountain with the fam. Could be brutal.

Friday Apr 19 #

Cycling 53:11 [1] 9.23 mi (5:46 / mi)

Easy fells cx ride. Feeling tired still. Punched leg still exists and a new knee soreness started up.

Tuesday Apr 16 #

Cycling 30:00 [0]

Graham talked me into family fells ride on the double track with Andy. She did great on her first mtb ride of the year. Me not so much - no idea why Graham thought I could handle cx bike gearing with super dead legs.

Monday Apr 15 #

Running 3:10:00 [3] 26.4 mi (7:12 / mi)

Boston Marathon

First time doing Boston. I was nervous and excited at the same time. Getting to do it with some running friends was very nice and it helped take the edge off the nervousness. I also loved being on the Shamrock team bus because it made everything a lot easier. I knew going into this I did not have the best training, but that's what you get with the ski bum to marathon plan.

Goal: Finish Boston feeling good with no blow ups (or melt downs with the heat). Don't focus on pace and run by feel. It's ok if it's slow and just enjoy being there.

Lining up in the corrals was already hot, and I was a bit concerned I was going to do my pass out trick if we didn't get moving quickly. Wave 2 corral 6 start was slow, but once we got past the line things got better. I tried not to weave too much, but it was very congested with people going awfully slow as gaps started to open. I knew the start was downhill, but I was surprised that it was steeper than I realized. I clicked off every mile split, but did not adjust pace based on the times. It was more for curiosity sake. I seemed to be doing somewhere between 7-7:20 early on, which seemed like a good zone. Maybe not right around 3 hr splits, but honestly with the heat I was trying not to worry about overall time at all.

I was carrying a hand held bottle so skipped the first aid station or two. But I think by mile 4 I was doing a pour the water on my head trick from every mile onward. One gel slipped out of my sportsbra and I lost it. Ate my first gel at 35 min because I was feeling hungry. Finished gatorade by mile 13 and pitched hand held at Graham's face. I was going through so fast I didn't really register that the whole fam was there cheering and I feel a bit bad about that.

Somewhere after 14 I started to feel not so fresh. Splits seem to struggle more at this point going over 7:20, but still just sticking to the plan of not stressing. Getting 1 cup gatorade and 2 cups water for drinking/splashing at this point. Also so many people coming to a complete stop at water stations right in front of me was pretty annoying. Almost ran over one dude who did this.

I think the worst hill may have been the overpass thing in Newton. So sunny and long incline. But my slowest mile seemed to be heartbreak at 7:58. Still passing people along here though so I was doing ok. Somewhere in here it felt like someone punched me in my quad (cramp or sore muscle?). Last 2 miles my feet were really blowing up. I had heel pain constantly from the start, but metatarsals started saying no also. And maybe I was giving up a bit because I knew the finish was close. Passed by a few people but held on as best as I could.

I feel like 3:10 was an ok time given the training and the weather. Certainly wish I had been closer to 3 hrs and it's still tough to realize how much faster I was in the past. But I think I'm ok on scratching Boston off the bucket list (and maybe road marathons completely) and just doing more of the fun races that I actually want to do. Loved the experience though and all the love from the spectators. Plus had a fun night in town being a dorky medal/jacket wearer.

1 NeverSecond gel at start line, 3 gels during at 30-45 min intervals, sad to drop my 4th, 2 Maurten gels at the latter half but they started to make my tongue itch so I might be allergic to something in them.

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