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Training Log: JanetT

In the last 7 days:

activity # timemileskm+mload
  Orienteering5 4:58:53 11.87(25:11) 19.09(15:39) 53842 /53c79%840.3
  Hiking5 3:12:57 5.14(37:32) 8.27(23:19) 426251.5
  Walking (trail)4 1:23:30 3.52(23:45) 5.66(14:46) 88140.4
  Walking (paved roads)3 1:05:57 1.92(34:19) 3.09(21:19) 2821.3
  Total15 10:41:17 22.44(28:34) 36.12(17:45) 107942 /53c79%1253.5
  [1-5]15 9:07:12
averages - sleep:6.8

Friday Jul 26 #


Results for each day, including links to RG, Livelox, and Winsplits.

Points for best four days
My places so far are 19-18-17-19-17, where my 19th place finishes were the most error-riddled.

12 PM

Walking (paved roads) warm up/down 10:13 intensity: (2:31 @0) + (7:42 @1) 0.8 km (12:43 / km)
ahr:88 max:96 shoes: 2023 VJFalcon 6.5 Berman

Since we had late starts, and since we were parking on either side of a long wide roadway, we were parked at the far end and had to hike back to the arena and toilets. Toilets were at the corner where we turned, bag drop was at the end of this track.

1 PM

Walking (trail) warm up/down 15:02 intensity: (2:38 @0) + (1:28 @1) + (4:31 @2) + (6:25 @3) 1.01 km (14:57 / km) +40m 12:29 / km
ahr:110 max:132

The rest of the way to Start.

Orienteering race (Long) 51:37 intensity: (20 @0) + (22 @1) + (7:22 @2) + (34:12 @3) + (8:56 @4) + (25 @5) *** 3.88 km (13:18 / km) +80m 12:04 / km
ahr:126 max:158 spiked:10/11c slept:7.0 shoes: 2023 VJFalcon 6.5 Berman

Croeso day 5, Long at Mynydd Llangynidr north of the towns of Trefil and Nantybwch. Some quarrying has been done nearby (we parked along a quarry access road) but areas I ran in weren't quarried. Course 10 was 3.4km, 45m climb nominally. 1:7500 map

We woke up to blue sky this morning, which clouded up some as we headed north toward the NP, but the temperature remained pleasant, in the low to mid 60s. We were among the last starters today.

I seem to have been pushed farther right than I intended to #1 though I did plan to skirt around the bigger rocks. Corrected when I saw some rockiness that I though could be a stone wall but it was just rocky ground. Saw someone look at the flag on the stone wall and I went over and punched...he may have been the same person who asked where we were...I replied "there's a stone wall" (it being the only one in that portion of the map).

No issues after that...navigation was pretty easy, I thought, for 5-6-7-8 with herd paths across the flatter rough open land (heather and blueberries; gorse clumps were mapped as intermittent light green dots). I saw a small lizard move out of the way as I approached the flag in the stream at #8 (Anna C would have stopped, I'm sure). From 9-10, across the area mapped as marshy, it was just a slog with clumps of taller vegetation and hummocks of soil interspersed with lower patches of mud.

2 PM

Walking (trail) warm up/down 9:30 intensity: (1:07 @0) + (5:14 @1) + (3:09 @2) 0.62 km (15:18 / km) +11m 14:06 / km
ahr:96 max:108 shoes: 2023 VJFalcon 6.5 Berman

From the toilets back to the car.

We figure since the parking system is the same tomorrow we'll be using the other side of the road.

When we got back to our Airbnb, there was blue sky again. Sun is behind buildings now, so it has effectively set for us and the temp is dropping as I write this.

We revisited the local Thai place and had different choices, all still very good and tasty.

Thursday Jul 25 #

11 AM

Orienteering race (Long) 1:21:52 intensity: (1:35 @0) + (3:18 @1) + (34:49 @2) + (33:37 @3) + (8:33 @4) *** 4.68 km (17:29 / km) +164m 14:53 / km
ahr:119 max:150 spiked:7/10c shoes: 2023 VJFalcon 6.5 Berman


Croeso 2024 Day 4, in the fog and mist which made my reading glasses unusable (mid 50s). Course 10 on the Pen Rhiw Wen map was 3.2km, 110m climb nominally. Good thing the map was 1:7500, but 1:5000 would have been better as I had some problems with acuity without my astigmatism correction.

I stopped at the start triangle to fold my map, as the winds there threatened to blow it away. The wind also took my hood off, so I left it that way. Was a bit off to the right to 1 and found another control but corrected when I saw the water feature well to the right of the line. To 2, I found another control that wasn't mine (Glen had it, and I needed to beyond), but couldn't read the detail well enough so wandered a bit before correcting off the "broken ground" uphill.

Fine on the long leg to 3, checking off the boulder at about halfway. :-)

My other booboo was at 8, where I got on one trail thinking I was on another, until I realized the cliffs I saw weren't the ones I sought. No problems from here in, despite the fog.

Needless to say, we couldn't see the castle they promised was within the viewshed.:-D

3 PM

Hiking 41:07 intensity: (18:53 @0) + (12:41 @1) + (9:33 @2) 1.19 km (34:40 / km) +76m 26:18 / km
ahr:88 max:116 shoes: Keen RidgeFlex M7W 2021

Hiked down to near the bottom of Henrhyd Falls, a 90-foot waterfall the Bresemans had visited a couple of days ago. The trail sloped downhill, the crossed a footbridge and climbed some relatively steep wooden stairs, before slabbing back along the other side of the creek to access the waterfall (and under the waterfall!). The overhang was drippy and the falls were breezy making it a bit damp there but it was very neat. The water in the creeks/rivers we've seen has been very brown from tannins.

6 PM


After visiting the waterfall we stopped at the kiosk near the carpark selling ice cream and shared a cup. Then we searched for someplace good to eat and decided on one of two restaurants close to each other in Neath. One place didn't look too promising, so we chose the other, The Welsh House, and enjoyed shepherds pie and pork belly (for me and Glen, respectively) after appetizers of Welsh rarebit for me and cockles and laverbread (seaweed!) over Welsh rarebit for Glen.

When we were done but waiting for the bill Amy Winston popped in, surprised to see fellow Americans in a random restaurant they had chosen. :-) (John was searching for a place to park, I think.) We promised her our table once we'd checked out, and commiserated on our common leg which we all messed up (#8 for Amy and me, 10 for Glen).

Wednesday Jul 24 #

1 PM

Walking (trail) 4:45 intensity: (1:42 @0) + (1:44 @1) + (1:19 @2) 0.31 km (15:34 / km) +7m 14:02 / km
ahr:91 max:110 (rest day) shoes: Saucony Ech7 8.5w-2

To Tinkinswood Burial Chamber, a Neolithic burial site (~6000 years old) west of Cardiff, after stopping at IKEA to get small plastic cups (six for £1!) because our rental has nothing between a shot glass and tall glass size. We also ate lunch there...Glen had the Swedish meatballs and I had the salmon filet and couscous.

The lot was small and hard to find (Google maps nav in the car got us close). The chamber itself isn't huge but the rock on top is amazingly large. Did they move it there or dig out under it?

I forgot to record the walk back to the car.

4 PM

Walking (paved roads) 14:05 intensity: (8:54 @0) + (4:42 @1) + (29 @2) 0.67 km (21:01 / km) +14m 19:00 / km
ahr:81 max:107 shoes: Saucony Ech7 8.5w-2

In Caerphilly after visiting the castle (building was started in the 1200s), from the Library (which has public toilets, which weren't available at the castle due to construction), to Malcolm Uphill's pub for dinner.

Glen had bangers and mash, I had a Margherita pizza (unsliced; they gave me a steak knife ;-D). I have leftovers for lunch tomorrow. ;-)

Tuesday Jul 23 #


Note that the climb to start today was about twice the climb that I covered on my course.

After leaving the carpark we visited the Oldest Yew in the UK in the cemetery of the local church...huge! Then we checked out a local establishment, the Usk and Railway Inn in Sennybridge near the carpark, and since it was serving dinner we ate there. I had beef stroganoff over rice (it had button mushrooms---which I gave to Glen--and diced pickles(!) and a bit of onion), and Glen had the fish pie which had a mashed potato topping and a few small shrimp-like things along with salmon and a white fish. He had Brains SA and I had a cider. We topped off the tire pressure in the one that showed low pressure (and which we had noticed a nail in) before heading back to Cardiff.

11 AM

Hiking warm up/down (Trail and not-trail-hills) 52:36 intensity: (5:33 @0) + (20:30 @1) + (13:45 @2) + (12:46 @3) + (2 @4) 2.56 km (20:35 / km) +183m 15:10 / km
ahr:104 max:134 shoes: 2023 VJFalcon 6.5 Berman

After arriving at the arena (same as yesterday, near Craig y Nos Castle) from bus drop off and depositing our bags, we headed off to hike up the mountain to the start of Day 3's courses. From the bus shortly before we got there, I could see the lines of people climbing plus others waiting on the ridge...yikes! The route was flat to start until we crossed the road and passed through a visitor attraction that included a wildlife [petting(?)] area with alpacas, sheep, and emus(!). Then it started to climb, but at an incline rather than steps. Only the last bit after clothing dropoff (at 2km) was grueling, but I made it.

Weather was much nicer rain (though the grass in the carpark and arena was wet), and partly sunny, about 65-70F. :-) I left my light rain jacket at the clothing drop.

12 PM

Orienteering race (Long) 50:39 intensity: (42 @1) + (23:53 @2) + (21:25 @3) + (4:39 @4) *** 3.36 km (15:04 / km) +95m 13:12 / km
ahr:120 max:140 spiked:9/10c slept:7.0 shoes: 2023 VJFalcon 6.5 Berman

Croeso 2024 Day 3, Carreg Goch map not far from where we were yesterday. Course 10 was 3km with 75m climb nominal, 1:7500 map.

Once again I forgot to start my watch at the start and instead started the track at control 1. Time and distance have been adjusted.

No difficulties on any of them and I was able to jog some, but the footing varied from low grass with chunks of rock underfoot to foot high blueberry and/or heather or clumps of other vegetation. A small section near the end, vertical green lines over rough open, was an area of ferns. I was a bit offline to #4, drawn off by folks headed more to the west than I needed to go, until I figured out what hill I was looking for. One tumble on a downhill jog after #8 but no damage...guess I was going too fast. The last control was at the foot of a cliff and the hill to get down to it was slippery so I went around the other side so I didn't have faster people run me over or jump over my head. ;-)

1 PM

Hiking warm up/down 41:45 intensity: (14:11 @0) + (26:13 @1) + (1:21 @2) 2.29 km (18:13 / km)
ahr:88 max:110 shoes: 2023 VJFalcon 6.5 Berman

Back to the arena/download with Glen, stopping to chat with the bored Medic who hails from Ohio! He has lived here for 10 years and married a Welsh woman and started a family, but has a sister in Massachusetts and goes back to visit.

Monday Jul 22 #


Received a note from United that my lost iPad had been found and turned in (I had signed on to Apple and locked it). Hurray! Now to figure out when/where I can get it back.

10 AM

Hiking warm up/down 32:29 intensity: (2:46 @0) + (3:57 @1) + (6:12 @2) + (15:15 @3) + (4:19 @4) 1.16 km (28:00 / km) +167m 16:16 / km
ahr:116 max:144 shoes: 2023 VJFalcon 6.5 Berman

We parked remotely for Day 2 and were bused to close by the arena, where we dropped bags with extra clothes, water, etc.

Then we had to find the sign directing us to our start, and begin the climb, advertised as 1km, 160m climb...I took and used my hiking pole today (as well as Tylenol for my knee). We stopped partway up for Glen to drop his outer layer, to be picked up after finishing and before heading back to download. I kept my light raincoat on, over a short sleeve O top. Temps were in the mid to upper 50s with a breeze.

11 AM

Orienteering race (Middle) 49:10 intensity: (3 @0) + (1:38 @1) + (19:43 @2) + (23:34 @3) + (4:12 @4) *** 3.18 km (15:27 / km) +94m 13:27 / km
ahr:120 max:148 spiked:9/11c slept:6.5 shoes: 2023 VJFalcon 6.5 Berman

Croeso 2024 day 2, Middle course 9 (W70L as well as M80L, and M65S, W45-50-55S). Cribarth map, 2.6km, 90m climb; 1:7500/5m map

From map pickup to the start triangle (all uphill) I looked at the leg to 1 and decideded to climb gradually on the trail instead of all at once. I missed my cutoff and had to loop back to the flag, however, but it was a common control for many courses as Glen had it too. It wasn't until I'd punched and was sure it was mine that I could make sense of the areas marked as "sandy". I'd forgotten they were mentioned in the meet notes, depicting piles of "gravel," rocks the size of lunchboxes or bigger.

Fine to 2-3-4-5, then I took a poor route choice to 6 but nailed it. Fine the rest of the way in as well, which was almost entirely downhill. We finished about 8 contours downhill (and NW of) the start.

12 PM

Hiking warm up/down 25:00 [1] 1.08 km (23:09 / km)
ahr:96 max:104 shoes: 2023 VJFalcon 6.5 Berman

Walk back down the hill from Finish, stopping at the clothing drop to see whether Glen had finished yet (he hadn't). Since it was out of the wind I chose to wait for him before continuing, but forgot to restart my watch. It was much faster going down. ;-)

Time estimated for the was probably less than 20 minutes. We bought cups of coffee and two small zucchini loaf slices to supplement our PBJ sandwiches before catching the bus back to the car park.

6 PM


Since the Lewis Arms pub still wasn't open for dinner, we ate at the Thai restaurant across the street. The pad Thai was very good.

Sunday Jul 21 #

Event: Croeso 2024
11 AM

Walking (trail) warm up/down 24:09 intensity: (11:25 @1) + (12:44 @2) 1.9 km (12:43 / km) +13m 12:18 / km
ahr:101 max:113 shoes: 2023 VJFalcon 6.5 Berman

Walk to start of Day 1 on sand dune terrain near Bridgend. The car park and arena were at Ogmore Castle (ruins) along the Ewenny River, so it wasn't far to pick up bibs and have questions answered (if any), but also included the last set of toilets before this somewhat convoluted walk to start along the Ogmore River.

It was a gorgeous day with mostly sunny skies and temps in the upper 60s...short-sleeve weather.

Orienteering race (Long) 1:05:35 intensity: (4 @1) + (10:50 @2) + (25:04 @3) + (28:07 @4) + (1:30 @5) **** 3.99 km (16:26 / km) +105m 14:32 / km
ahr:131 max:158 spiked:7/11c slept:6.6 shoes: 2023 VJFalcon 6.5 Berman

Croeso 2024 day 1. Long course 10, on Merthyr Mawr map (1:7500/2.5m contours) near Bridgend, Wales. I can now add a new country I've orienteered in. ;-)

My course (10) was used by W70L and 75L, W55S and 60S, and M70L, M65S and 70S. 2.9 km, 70m climb nominal.

I forgot to start recording at map pickup, so some time is missing...official is 66:31. WinSplits thinks I could have done 48 minutes with no errors. Biggest errors were on 1 (I was too far south checking other parallel features, ~9 min) and 6 (another big parallel error, ~5-6 min) with smaller issues at 5 (I aimed for a fenced area but the feature was 5m below it) and 7 (similar unmapped features got me and at least one other woman confused). The last few were easy (yellow level) and the finish was located near the start.

Janice Nesbit went quickly by on the was from 1-2 and I kept her in sight for a little while but she's much faster than me. From the WinSplits, though, she had much more trouble than me on #6 (36min vs my 15+) and I finished ahead for the day. They only take the best 4/6 scores to award prizes, not that I'll qualify anyway.

Winsplits for W70L

Walking (trail) warm up/down 30:04 intensity: (3:34 @1) + (25:13 @2) + (1:17 @3) 1.83 km (16:27 / km) +18m 15:40 / km
ahr:108 max:124 shoes: 2023 VJFalcon 6.5 Berman

Back to download and car with Glen who finished at about the same time. Stopped in the first 3 minutes to chat with late starters Amy W and John C (and his sister Fiona), and Gavin W-M and Sue K.

4 PM

Walking (paved roads) 41:39 intensity: (33:52 @0) + (7:36 @1) + (11 @2) 1.62 km (25:43 / km) +14m 24:39 / km
ahr:81 max:105 shoes: Keen RidgeFlex M7W 2021

Around Porthcawl waterfront along the Cardiff Bay.

Forgot to stop my watch when we returned to the car. Time and distance adjusted.

7 PM


After stopping in at a number of pubs in Porthcawl that had stopped serving food (Sunday), we found a restaurant in town, Saltwater Inn, and had seabass served over veggies, with a side of potatoes (6 choices). I had a Thacher's cider which was delicious, and Glen had a pub-brewed IPA.

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