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Training Log: Danish Dynamite

In the last 7 days:

activity # timemileskm+m
  orienteering - Quality2 1:57:30 9.65(12:11) 15.53(7:34) 240
  running5 1:34:45 10.11(9:22) 16.27(5:49) 286
  Total5 3:32:15 19.76(10:44) 31.8(6:40) 526

Friday Jul 26 #

6 PM

running 14:14 [2] 2.64 km (5:23 / km) +40m 5:01 / km

Thursday Jul 25 #

6 PM

running 18:52 [2] 3.5 km (5:23 / km) +51m 5:01 / km

Surprisingly feeling alot better in the morning and throughout the day. Tried a short run, but still breathing a bit heavier, a tight chest, and a head ache so cut the run short.

Not too sure what happened yesterday. Feeling a little nauseous on my run yesterday morning, but then it got progressively worse throughout the day. Then fever level temperature, tired, and a headache in the evening. Some similarities to Portugal but not quite as bad.

Worth noting, I ran out of water during the training yesterday and didn't get any until home a couple hours later. A couple little calf muscle spasms in the training as well. Maybe it is something heat related, maybe not, but at least it is here if it happens again. Also a quite hard and hot week in Italy last week.

Wednesday Jul 24 #

8 AM

running 36:24 [2] 6.19 km (5:53 / km) +120m 5:22 / km

Body is feeling a little off. Will see how I feel tomorrow and adjust the workout accordingly.
7 PM


Quite sick in the evening

Tuesday Jul 23 #

6 PM

running 11:45 [2] 1.79 km (6:34 / km) +40m 5:54 / km

orienteering - Quality 51:30 [4] 6.53 km (7:53 / km) +113m 7:16 / km

A 2.6km and then 3.1km middle distance at Saltsjöbaden. Very fun terrain and lots of climb, despite what my elevation data may say.

Time: 20.5 mins, 5.5 mins rest, 25.5 mins

Starting as a mass-start with Per and Filipa, where Per would go out hard and then I would start to take the lead when we hit the first climb. Nice to have some physical motivation with Per just behind me taking different micro-route choices and ready to pounce if I ever made a mistake. Solid orienteering with only one real mistake, but I felt a little reactive in my orienteering. That being said it is quite difficult terrain and no flags were out.

Notable mistake to control 6, when I got pushed around by some fallen trees and kept pushing when I was ahead of my plan. In my head, I noted this as a difficult control which was good, however I didn't do anything about it. I should have made sure to check off the rocky plateau before I enter the hillside. Take a couple seconds to save potentially wandering around the hillside for a minute.

Monday Jul 22 #

(rest day)

Sunday Jul 21 #

10 AM

running warm up/down 13:30 [1] 2.15 km (6:17 / km) +35m 5:48 / km

orienteering - Quality intervals 1:06:00 [4] 9.0 km (7:20 / km) +127m 6:51 / km

Running a course set out with some flags near Gustavsberg. Split it into 4 intervals. The first was quite chaotic, with possibly my biggest mistake day orienteering this year to the 2nd control. The others went well and I felt strong moving through the summer vegetation despite having tired legs.

Quite happy with my execution of leg 13 and accurately hitting the gap in the cultivated land and lake/marsh. Less so to control 14 where I may a mess of running down the hill side to the field.


Breaks at controls 3, 7, and 12.

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